I have been working out this new character design to replace the “Ari” character that I have. She is a synthesis of the original “Ari” character and the “Angela” character that appears in the submission I did to RSOM which was also called “Angela”. I linked to it even though I am embarrassed that I even did it. It also adds in an arch that I developed in a previous RSOM submission called “Millennium War”. Eventually I took “Millennium War” and made it into another comic called “Marionette”, you can see the art from the original version of it in this older blog post. I hope at some point to post the whole comic as it was and unfinished just as art. The image at the top represents the newest part and incarnation. I might take it to an animated series, more to come 😀
I added some shading. I think it makes it pop.
Hey Rob,
Watch out for tangents, especially when using a thick exterior line. Her left wing rubbing up against her left arm and her right fingers touching her right thigh create some brutal tangents.
Also watch the top of her right eye and her hair line.
Thanks for the comments Phil! Guess I let those slip accidentally… 😛